October 31st, 2024
by Ray Jones
by Ray Jones
Did you know there were two boats that responded to the Titanic when it was sinking? One boat, the Californian, was about 20 miles away. They turned off their radio about ten minutes before the Titanic hit the iceberg. They saw rockets and flares shoot off in the distance. They couldn’t figure out why another boat was shooting rockets and flares, but they didn’t turn on their radio, and they didn’t investigate. They saw the boat’s light turn off, but thought it was just turning its light off for the night. The crew of the Californian were so in maintenance-mode with what they were already doing, they couldn’t imagine the Titanic sinking. For the rest of their lives the crew members of the Californian had to wrestle with why they didn’t go.
But there was another ship, the Carpathia. It was 58 miles away. But its radio was on, and when it got the call that the Titanic was sinking it powered up all its engines and headed straight for the Titanic, navigating around icebergs in the night. It ran full power ahead for 3.5 hours. When the crew showed up at the scene of the disaster, many had already perished, but they saved 705 lives from the lifeboats.
Ridgecrest is a rescue ship for lost souls! We can’t rescue everyone, but there are many floundering in the waves of the world that we can bring life to. The Bible says, “…Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” (Luke 12:48) God has entrusted us with much of which we will be accountable for. I am glad He has given us such an incredible mission with the gospel ship, let us be faithful to the task until He returns.
With that in mind, Sunday launches our annual World Outreach Offering emphasis. Our services this week will be a great encouragement to you as you see and hear from a few of our mission partners. Though I will not be preaching, you will certainly receive a message that will warm your heart and inspire your continued commitment to get the gospel of Jesus to the world.
Over the next few weeks, we will receive your extra gifts above and beyond your tithes and gifts to the Freedom Fund. You likely have already received a letter and special giving envelope from me for your designated gift (though you can also use your regular offering envelopes if you prefer). While we give thousands of dollars to missions directly from our annual budget, this special offering will go specifically to our designated mission partners like FCA, Lottie Moon, RCA, Disaster Relief, our own Ridgecrest missionaries serving in the U.S. and abroad, as well as local mission work. Our goal this year is $125,000. As always it takes all of us to achieve that goal. So, let me ask you to ask the Lord what He would have you do to help us bless these works.
Let me say thanks in advance for your always faithful generosity to God’s work through Ridgecrest, it’s just one more of 50 reasons that I love being the Pastor at Ridgecrest!
Fall Family Day at Corndodgers Farm Sunday Night… from 4:00-7:00 PM, located in Headland. We have the entire place all to ourselves. So many of you attended last year that they ran out of food! Not going to happen this year. I hope you’ll join us for this delightful time of games, rides, and just great fellowship with one another. Alison and I look forward to seeing you there.
And remember, God is always trying to take us someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Image credit: Unsplash
But there was another ship, the Carpathia. It was 58 miles away. But its radio was on, and when it got the call that the Titanic was sinking it powered up all its engines and headed straight for the Titanic, navigating around icebergs in the night. It ran full power ahead for 3.5 hours. When the crew showed up at the scene of the disaster, many had already perished, but they saved 705 lives from the lifeboats.
Ridgecrest is a rescue ship for lost souls! We can’t rescue everyone, but there are many floundering in the waves of the world that we can bring life to. The Bible says, “…Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” (Luke 12:48) God has entrusted us with much of which we will be accountable for. I am glad He has given us such an incredible mission with the gospel ship, let us be faithful to the task until He returns.
With that in mind, Sunday launches our annual World Outreach Offering emphasis. Our services this week will be a great encouragement to you as you see and hear from a few of our mission partners. Though I will not be preaching, you will certainly receive a message that will warm your heart and inspire your continued commitment to get the gospel of Jesus to the world.
Over the next few weeks, we will receive your extra gifts above and beyond your tithes and gifts to the Freedom Fund. You likely have already received a letter and special giving envelope from me for your designated gift (though you can also use your regular offering envelopes if you prefer). While we give thousands of dollars to missions directly from our annual budget, this special offering will go specifically to our designated mission partners like FCA, Lottie Moon, RCA, Disaster Relief, our own Ridgecrest missionaries serving in the U.S. and abroad, as well as local mission work. Our goal this year is $125,000. As always it takes all of us to achieve that goal. So, let me ask you to ask the Lord what He would have you do to help us bless these works.
Let me say thanks in advance for your always faithful generosity to God’s work through Ridgecrest, it’s just one more of 50 reasons that I love being the Pastor at Ridgecrest!
Fall Family Day at Corndodgers Farm Sunday Night… from 4:00-7:00 PM, located in Headland. We have the entire place all to ourselves. So many of you attended last year that they ran out of food! Not going to happen this year. I hope you’ll join us for this delightful time of games, rides, and just great fellowship with one another. Alison and I look forward to seeing you there.
And remember, God is always trying to take us someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Image credit: Unsplash
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