Who Do You Look Like?

In every age and generation, we must bear the consequences of our sin. When Leonardo da Vinci was painting his masterpiece "The Last Supper," he searched for a model for Christ. At last, he located a chorister in one of the churches of Rome who was lovely in life and features, a young man named Pietro Bandinelli. Years passed, and the painting was still unfinished. All the disciples had been portrayed except one-Judas Iscariot. Now da Vinci looked for a man whose face was hardened and distorted by sin, and at last he found a beggar on the streets of Rome with a face so villainous that he shuddered when he looked at him. He hired the man to sit for him as he painted the face of Judas on his canvas. When he was about to dismiss the man, he said, "I have not yet found out your name." "I am Pietro Bandinelli," he replied. "I also sat for you as your model of Christ."

The Bible says that we are created in the image of God… we are the “Imago Dei”. In other words, God designed us to reflect His image in the world. Paul said in Romans 8:29 that we were predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. From the very beginning it was God’s plan that we look like our Savior. But apart from God, sin mars us and distorts our life and like Pietro Bandinelli can make us look more like Judas than Jesus.

Recently as I was looking in the mirror it occurred to me that as I get older, I am beginning to see the image of my father in my own face. Now that is not bad in and of itself. But the bigger question is, am I seeing more and more of my heavenly father in my life? That is the real goal, to look like Him in character, attitude, and behavior. With that in mind, let me ask you… Who Do You Look Like?

Alison and I are away this weekend in Clearwater, FL where I am preaching Sunday morning and later participating in the memorial service for my friend and mentor Bill Anderson, in my absence Chase Faulk will be preaching and will, as always, bless you. I am grateful for our staff, all of them make up a wonderful team of servants.

Baby Dedication… today we will dedicate a “fresh” crop of little ones. We get to do this a couple of times each year… what an honor and a privilege! There are twelve children divided between both services today. Thank God for them all! This is not a ritualistic practice but an opportunity to set apart both parents and their little ones for their nurture and admonition in the Lord Jesus. The Church of Jesus depends on these little ones. Jesus said, “of such is the Kingdom of God.” Not only are we dedicating them, but we are also dedicating ourselves to pray and provide the kind of Godly church environment that will enable them to know Christ and serve Him all of their lives.

Welcome to our new class of Deacons… last Sunday you elected 12 men to begin serving a 3-year term on our deacon body. Several of them have never served in that role before and so on Wednesday November 20th we will have a special service to ordain them to this special and God created office of church servants. I love our deacon’s, they are some of the finest men that a pastor and church could have.

Annual World Outreach Offering… you’ll be receiving a letter from me very soon regarding our annual mission partnership offering. And then on November 3rd we will launch our emphasis with a special Sunday partnership worship service… more to come on these things. In the meantime, remember that God is always trying to take us someplace new. I love being your Pastor!

For God’s Glory Alone,

Pastor Ray

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