November 7th, 2024
by Broxton Gannon
by Broxton Gannon
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
If you know your geography well, you’ll know about the Straits of Magellan on the tip of South America, which were named after their founder, Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan spent a year fighting the currents there to get to that particular place of the ocean. We’ve been told the whole place is very icy and the waves are massive, making it one of the most difficult places on the globe for ships to navigate. Most ships in that era never made it through.
Magellan and his crew finally made it through the area in 1520 and came out on the other side of the Straits, a side much more beautiful and peaceful. Can you guess what they called it? The Pacific Ocean, the peaceful one…
As we’ve been talking about this week, the kind of peace Jesus gives is much different than the peace the world offers. You need the peace of God to rule over your heart and your mind because the world’s ideas will mess you up by unsettling your mind and steering you towards confusion. It’ll toy with your emotions and even try dismantling your biblical worldview entirely.
Reliable peace with God certainly doesn’t remove all challenges from your life, but it does give you what you need to face the challenges on purpose and with a peaceful spirit.
As you meditate on this passage today, ask God to help you embrace the victory of Christ has won and allow this reliable peace to fully reign in your heart and mind.
If you know your geography well, you’ll know about the Straits of Magellan on the tip of South America, which were named after their founder, Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan spent a year fighting the currents there to get to that particular place of the ocean. We’ve been told the whole place is very icy and the waves are massive, making it one of the most difficult places on the globe for ships to navigate. Most ships in that era never made it through.
Magellan and his crew finally made it through the area in 1520 and came out on the other side of the Straits, a side much more beautiful and peaceful. Can you guess what they called it? The Pacific Ocean, the peaceful one…
As we’ve been talking about this week, the kind of peace Jesus gives is much different than the peace the world offers. You need the peace of God to rule over your heart and your mind because the world’s ideas will mess you up by unsettling your mind and steering you towards confusion. It’ll toy with your emotions and even try dismantling your biblical worldview entirely.
Reliable peace with God certainly doesn’t remove all challenges from your life, but it does give you what you need to face the challenges on purpose and with a peaceful spirit.
As you meditate on this passage today, ask God to help you embrace the victory of Christ has won and allow this reliable peace to fully reign in your heart and mind.
Posted in Daily Devotions
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