September 12th, 2024
by Ray Jones
by Ray Jones
That’s the title of an editorial written by Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal a few years back. The editorial begins with an idea expressed in George Orwell’s novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” that says, “the memory hole was a mechanism for separating a society's disapproved ideas from its dominant ideas. The unfavored ideas disappeared, Orwell wrote, "on a current of warm air" into furnaces.” The implication is clear. What was fiction to Orwell has become fact in our age. Henninger goes on to discuss the tragic revision of American History in College curriculum, much of which is now designed to reframe history to represent a more culturally correct and even Marxist view.
“Comedian Jerry Seinfeld got attention once for saying he understood why other comedians had stopped performing on campuses beset by political correctness, trigger warnings and "microaggressions." He said young people cry "rac¬ism," "sexism" or "prejudice" without any idea of what they're talking about. Henninger asks… How did that happen? “It hap¬pened because weak school admin¬istrations and academics empow¬ered tireless activists who forced all of American history and life through the four prisms of class, gender, ethnicity and identity. What emerged at the other end was one idea--guilt. I exist, there¬fore I must be guilty. Of something.”
This continuing trend in the pedagogy of American history and other educational disciplines is one of the primary reasons that Ridgecrest has a serious commitment to education. The truth is, Christians and the church established early American education to begin with. In the early days of America’s founding, church buildings also served as schoolhouses. The curriculum used included The New England Primer and the Bible which were used to teach students the alphabet and reading. All of the early major Universities and Colleges in America were birthed out of the Christian Church, and were chartered with Biblical mottos and scriptural foundations, though you’d never know that if you listened to today’s leftist pundits, academicians, and historical revisionists. Further, almost all Ivy League schools like Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, Columbia (yes, that Columbia), Dartmouth, and others were started by ministers with the primary mission of educating pastors and missionaries. Want to read the real story of our history… try Peter Marshall and David Manuel’s “The Light and The Glory” or “From Sea to Shining Sea”, or David and Tim Barton’s two volume series “The American Story”. They are wonderful accounts of where we came from without ignoring our failures along the way.
I say all of that to say, we desperately need education that reflects truth and not some left-leaning agenda designed to brainwash our children into believing things that are destroying our nation, our moral values, and our future freedoms. Ridgecrest Christian Academy and Ridgecrest Christian Home School Association both came into being for that very purpose. The goal is a high-quality education in the disciplines of learning with the finest instruction and the best environment to help our kids grow in knowledge and become difference makers in our world.
Recently we began a scholarship fund that we hope to build and in the future be able to assist children at Ridgecrest Christian Academy. My dream is that it will grow substantially in the days and years ahead. Perhaps the Lord will lead you or your small group to contribute above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings to help us build this fund for future generations… I am excited to say that we’ve already received two seed gifts. Let’s keep it going and remember it’s another way that God is trying to take us someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Image credit: Unsplash
“Comedian Jerry Seinfeld got attention once for saying he understood why other comedians had stopped performing on campuses beset by political correctness, trigger warnings and "microaggressions." He said young people cry "rac¬ism," "sexism" or "prejudice" without any idea of what they're talking about. Henninger asks… How did that happen? “It hap¬pened because weak school admin¬istrations and academics empow¬ered tireless activists who forced all of American history and life through the four prisms of class, gender, ethnicity and identity. What emerged at the other end was one idea--guilt. I exist, there¬fore I must be guilty. Of something.”
This continuing trend in the pedagogy of American history and other educational disciplines is one of the primary reasons that Ridgecrest has a serious commitment to education. The truth is, Christians and the church established early American education to begin with. In the early days of America’s founding, church buildings also served as schoolhouses. The curriculum used included The New England Primer and the Bible which were used to teach students the alphabet and reading. All of the early major Universities and Colleges in America were birthed out of the Christian Church, and were chartered with Biblical mottos and scriptural foundations, though you’d never know that if you listened to today’s leftist pundits, academicians, and historical revisionists. Further, almost all Ivy League schools like Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, Columbia (yes, that Columbia), Dartmouth, and others were started by ministers with the primary mission of educating pastors and missionaries. Want to read the real story of our history… try Peter Marshall and David Manuel’s “The Light and The Glory” or “From Sea to Shining Sea”, or David and Tim Barton’s two volume series “The American Story”. They are wonderful accounts of where we came from without ignoring our failures along the way.
I say all of that to say, we desperately need education that reflects truth and not some left-leaning agenda designed to brainwash our children into believing things that are destroying our nation, our moral values, and our future freedoms. Ridgecrest Christian Academy and Ridgecrest Christian Home School Association both came into being for that very purpose. The goal is a high-quality education in the disciplines of learning with the finest instruction and the best environment to help our kids grow in knowledge and become difference makers in our world.
Recently we began a scholarship fund that we hope to build and in the future be able to assist children at Ridgecrest Christian Academy. My dream is that it will grow substantially in the days and years ahead. Perhaps the Lord will lead you or your small group to contribute above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings to help us build this fund for future generations… I am excited to say that we’ve already received two seed gifts. Let’s keep it going and remember it’s another way that God is trying to take us someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Image credit: Unsplash
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