September 17th, 2024
by Broxton Gannon
by Broxton Gannon
“So fear the lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates river and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the lord, then choose today whom you will serve… as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14-15
Joshua had lived a long life. He had served God faithfully and led the people of God righteously. In his old age, he challenged the people about their future and counseled them on living for God. He reminded them of God's goodness, recounting all that God had brought them through. He makes his appeal, offering a choice: serve the gods of the world or serve the Lord God, proceeding to make clear where he and his family stood.
No matter what gods the world offers, there comes a time where you must stand firm and say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua's words teach us powerful truths about building homes that honor God, but even if you're not married or don’t have a family, the principles we look at over the next few days can help you build a life that honors God, too.
Start your day or week by reflecting on Joshua’s declaration for his household.
Are you allowing external cultural influences to dictate the spiritual direction of your home?
Are there new commitments or choices you need to make to ensure your home is a place where God is honored and served?
Spend just a few moments in prayer asking the Lord to show you exactly what it means to serve Him with sincerity and faithfulness in your home and family.
Joshua had lived a long life. He had served God faithfully and led the people of God righteously. In his old age, he challenged the people about their future and counseled them on living for God. He reminded them of God's goodness, recounting all that God had brought them through. He makes his appeal, offering a choice: serve the gods of the world or serve the Lord God, proceeding to make clear where he and his family stood.
No matter what gods the world offers, there comes a time where you must stand firm and say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua's words teach us powerful truths about building homes that honor God, but even if you're not married or don’t have a family, the principles we look at over the next few days can help you build a life that honors God, too.
Start your day or week by reflecting on Joshua’s declaration for his household.
Are you allowing external cultural influences to dictate the spiritual direction of your home?
Are there new commitments or choices you need to make to ensure your home is a place where God is honored and served?
Spend just a few moments in prayer asking the Lord to show you exactly what it means to serve Him with sincerity and faithfulness in your home and family.
Posted in Daily Devotions
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