November 13th, 2024
by Broxton Gannon
by Broxton Gannon
“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17
This passage once again echoes Paul’s earlier message to the poor: money can control both those who have it and those who don’t. Additionally, whether you are rich or poor, money will let you down.
I once knew a multimillionaire. He was so consumed by wealth he thought we’d need currency in heaven! Unfortunately, his wife had some health complications and as I ministered to him when she died, I witnessed a heartbreaking scene. Standing by her hospital bed, this man wept not for the loss of his wife, but because his money couldn't save her. “Raymond,” he cried, “with all my money, I couldn't stop this!”
Your culture believes money fixes everything, but the Bible tells you otherwise. Money can't save marriages, guarantee peace of mind, or secure your future. Jesus' parable of the rich fool found in Luke 12:16-21 reminds us that wealth offers no protection against life's uncertainties. Money can't buy health or save souls. Even Warren Buffett, after donating most of his fortune, mistakenly claimed it was "a good way to get to heaven." But salvation isn't for sale.
If you build your life on money, it will one day let you down.
Instead, build your life on God's unchanging truth about money and use your resources to serve His purposes. That's living life with eternal significance!
This passage once again echoes Paul’s earlier message to the poor: money can control both those who have it and those who don’t. Additionally, whether you are rich or poor, money will let you down.
I once knew a multimillionaire. He was so consumed by wealth he thought we’d need currency in heaven! Unfortunately, his wife had some health complications and as I ministered to him when she died, I witnessed a heartbreaking scene. Standing by her hospital bed, this man wept not for the loss of his wife, but because his money couldn't save her. “Raymond,” he cried, “with all my money, I couldn't stop this!”
Your culture believes money fixes everything, but the Bible tells you otherwise. Money can't save marriages, guarantee peace of mind, or secure your future. Jesus' parable of the rich fool found in Luke 12:16-21 reminds us that wealth offers no protection against life's uncertainties. Money can't buy health or save souls. Even Warren Buffett, after donating most of his fortune, mistakenly claimed it was "a good way to get to heaven." But salvation isn't for sale.
If you build your life on money, it will one day let you down.
Instead, build your life on God's unchanging truth about money and use your resources to serve His purposes. That's living life with eternal significance!
Posted in Daily Devotions
Practice Spiritual AbandonmentThree Peace NeedsThe Gift Of PeaceRemarkable Peace With GodReliable Peace With GodWhat Is A Vet?The Lust For MoneyThe Root Of All Evil?Loss That Comes From MoneyThe Letdown Of MoneyThe Layup Of MoneyCritical Thinking vs CriticismThe Need To Seek GodWhat Are You Grateful For?Planned Obsolescence
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