Warfare Prayer

According to KOMO News in Seattle, a woman was kneeling on her kitchen floor, deep in prayer, when she felt a hand on her head. She told police officers that she thought it was her husband playing a joke on her, so she continued praying. But when she finally turned around she saw an unknown man standing in her kitchen. That's when she really prayed, crying out "Lord, help me!" The man fell back, hitting his head on the fridge. The man then stumbled out of the house and drove off, after taking only a $20 bill that had been sitting on the table. According to the newspaper report, the woman credits "divine intervention" for her miraculous rescue.

The Bible calls satan a thief and declares that he wants to “steal, kill, and destroy.” It also says that he roams about like a lion seeking someone to devour. We are in a spiritual war and because of that it is imperative that we employ spiritual weapons against the enemy. Prayer is one of those weapons. In Ephesians 6:18 Paul writing about this spiritual war tells us…“praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,”

God is doing some amazing things here at Ridgecrest. I believe that as a church we are healthier than we’ve ever been. Souls are being saved, people are identifying with Christ in baptism, many people are being added to our family, and the presence of God in our services is strong. I don’t write that to be boastful, but rather I write it for two reasons.

First, because God is working, you can be sure that Hell is not happy. It is a season of God’s favor here, we can, and should, rejoice and enjoy all that God is doing. But because God is at work, we must remain diligent and not drop our guard, lest the enemy attack us by surprise. It is the tendency of God’s people to relax spiritually when all is going well. While we do not live in fear of the enemy, we must not be naïve and unprepared for his schemes. So, let’s praise God for His goodness to us as His Church, but let us live with spiritual sensitivity to the unseen war that is being waged all around us.

Second, I write this to call on scores of you to become warfare prayer warriors. Several people have communicated recently that because of the obvious work of God here, they believe we need a greater “prayer covering” over our church, our staff, our congregation, our worship services, and the work of Ridgecrest. I could not agree more! So, I want to enlist an army of prayer walkers. Yes, prayer walkers! Here is what I would like to ask… would some of you/many of you be willing to show up just a little early on Sunday mornings and walk around and through our facilities praying quietly as you walk the campus. I am not asking you to “sign up” for this, just show up if you can and walk and pray for a few minutes before our services start. It doesn’t have to be a long walk or a lengthy amount of time. It’s the strategy Paul spoke of and mentioned above in Ephesians 6. Of course, your prayer isn’t limited to Sunday mornings, but let it start there.

What do you pray? Here are a few things:

1. Pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit from the parking lot to the worship center.
2. Pray for the blood of Christ to cover this campus.
3. Pray for the angels of God to surround this place.
4. Pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit upon all of us.
5. Pray for the enemy to be bound and cast out of this place as we gather.
6. Pray for our staff and the filling of the Holy Spirit.
7. Pray the glory of God to fill the sanctuary.

So, will you be a “prayer walker” James said, “…The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16)

And remember, God is always trying to take us someplace new. I love being your Pastor!

For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray

Image credit: Unsplash
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