The Olympics are now a week old, and the most shocking storyline isn’t the athletes, it is the opening ceremony which shamelessly flaunted sin on the Seine River (pronounced “sin river”), what an ironic name for the activities it hosted. Most of you by now know that the ceremony contained a blasphemous rendition of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” with the cast being made up of drag queens posing as disciples of Jesus and dancing seductively down a catwalk in front of the supper table.
The outcry from both religious and secular leaders around the world has been loud…
•Daniel French, vicar of Salcombe and Marlborough, said “the portrayal mocked Christianity in a manner unprecedented for other religions…”
•Matteo Salvini, Italy’s deputy prime minister, described the display as “insulting and sleazy... Opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians around the world was a really bad start, dear French," he wrote. "Seedy."
•Greg Laurie of Harvest Fellowship in California questioned on X, “Why go out of your way to insult billions of people who believe in Jesus Christ?”
•Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson wrote… “[The] mockery of the Last Supper was shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world who watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games”
•Television personality Piers Morgan, asked whether the Olympics would “have mocked any other religion like this?” [no one would dare mock Islam, or Buddhism]
•Even Elon Musk weighed in by saying, “This was extremely disrespectful to Christians.”
•Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor of First Baptist Dallas called the ceremony, “A Global Ridicule of Christianity.”
The French Olympic organizers went into full damage control with Thomas Jolly artistic director of the opening ceremony responding to the enormous backlash by offering a tepid apology and explained his intentions to The Associated Press after the ceremony. “My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock,” Jolly said. “Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide.” Seriously? A message of Inclusion that excluded over 2 billion Christians. Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester said, “It’s anything but an apology…“It’s a masterpiece of woke duplicity. He went on say the 2.6 billion Christians worldwide will not take this apology seriously.”
Defend this however they want, but to take one of the most sacred events in scripture that is reverentially practiced today by Christians around the world depicting the Saviors sacrificial death and atonement and then make fun of it through sinful parodying is sheer blasphemy! By the way, Paul gave a very strong warning to the Corinthians who had abused the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30 “For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.”
While we are shocked at the open display of sin, we can expect it to increase. Peter wrote, “knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.” (2 Peter 3:3) One of the drag queen performers responding to the backlash said, “… to the ones that had their feathers ruffled seeing queerness on their screen: WE AIN’T GOING NOWHERE." Well maybe not at the moment, but one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God. You can also expect hostility toward Christianity to grow more intense. Why? Because, we are living in the last age, the devil knows his time is short and has opened the floodgates of hell in a last-ditch effort to corrupt humanity and undermine the message of God’s saving grace. But remember this… “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Enough said!
I am glad to be back. God gave me much while away and I’ll be sharing it with you in the days ahead.
Remember, God is always trying to take us someplace new! I love being your Pastor.
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
The outcry from both religious and secular leaders around the world has been loud…
•Daniel French, vicar of Salcombe and Marlborough, said “the portrayal mocked Christianity in a manner unprecedented for other religions…”
•Matteo Salvini, Italy’s deputy prime minister, described the display as “insulting and sleazy... Opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians around the world was a really bad start, dear French," he wrote. "Seedy."
•Greg Laurie of Harvest Fellowship in California questioned on X, “Why go out of your way to insult billions of people who believe in Jesus Christ?”
•Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson wrote… “[The] mockery of the Last Supper was shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world who watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games”
•Television personality Piers Morgan, asked whether the Olympics would “have mocked any other religion like this?” [no one would dare mock Islam, or Buddhism]
•Even Elon Musk weighed in by saying, “This was extremely disrespectful to Christians.”
•Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor of First Baptist Dallas called the ceremony, “A Global Ridicule of Christianity.”
The French Olympic organizers went into full damage control with Thomas Jolly artistic director of the opening ceremony responding to the enormous backlash by offering a tepid apology and explained his intentions to The Associated Press after the ceremony. “My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock,” Jolly said. “Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide.” Seriously? A message of Inclusion that excluded over 2 billion Christians. Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester said, “It’s anything but an apology…“It’s a masterpiece of woke duplicity. He went on say the 2.6 billion Christians worldwide will not take this apology seriously.”
Defend this however they want, but to take one of the most sacred events in scripture that is reverentially practiced today by Christians around the world depicting the Saviors sacrificial death and atonement and then make fun of it through sinful parodying is sheer blasphemy! By the way, Paul gave a very strong warning to the Corinthians who had abused the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30 “For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.”
While we are shocked at the open display of sin, we can expect it to increase. Peter wrote, “knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.” (2 Peter 3:3) One of the drag queen performers responding to the backlash said, “… to the ones that had their feathers ruffled seeing queerness on their screen: WE AIN’T GOING NOWHERE." Well maybe not at the moment, but one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God. You can also expect hostility toward Christianity to grow more intense. Why? Because, we are living in the last age, the devil knows his time is short and has opened the floodgates of hell in a last-ditch effort to corrupt humanity and undermine the message of God’s saving grace. But remember this… “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Enough said!
I am glad to be back. God gave me much while away and I’ll be sharing it with you in the days ahead.
Remember, God is always trying to take us someplace new! I love being your Pastor.
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
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