Matthew 5:16
"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and praise your Father in heaven."
Consisting of 9th-12th grades, our high school ministry seeks to REACH students for Jesus, BUILD students in a discipleship process, and CONNECT students to their purpose and the mission of God.
We accomplish this through weekly, monthly, and yearly intentional events, small groups, retreats, camps, and mission opportunities.
We have a place for you to feel loved, connected, and a part of the mission!
We accomplish this through weekly, monthly, and yearly intentional events, small groups, retreats, camps, and mission opportunities.
We have a place for you to feel loved, connected, and a part of the mission!



Sunday Mornings
Breakfast in The Spot before Connection Groups
8:15am or 10:50am
Worship with family at either worship service
High School Connection Groups
Wednesday Nights
Midweek Worship
Games and fellowship in the RFC
Worship service in the Meeting Room