February 1st, 2024
by Ray Jones
by Ray Jones
Julie Masters Bacher in The Quiet Heart writes… “The landscape gardener looked surprised. ‘Will you say that again, ma'am?’ The lady-of-the-house waved a hand to include the several-acre woodland she was having landscaped. ‘I want a picture of how it will all look when it's finished--fish pond and rose garden included. Could it look like this sketch in Better Homes and Gardens?’
‘Hard to say, you know,’ the man said. ... ‘We're dealing here with living things. I can show you a pattern, I guess, but these things grow. Okay? So, you're going to have to keep on planting, cultivating, and trimming. Who's to say what it will look like some day? It's just never going to get finished growing!’ ...
‘I had no idea I was hiring a philosopher,’ my friend said over coffee. ‘But that little speech reminded me that growth doesn't stop when we reach our full height.’” The fact is growth is not an event but a process. And it is an ongoing, lifelong process. It requires attention to detail, discipline, and commitment to the journey.
Here at Ridgecrest, we have for over 2 decades operated with the motto that God is always trying to take us someplace new and The Journey Never Ends… in this life. So as long as we are here, we must grow in our faith, grow in our knowledge of God, grow in our practice of God’s Word, grow in our service for God, and grow in our worship of God. And we choose to grow On Purpose. To remind us of this Paul writes in Colossians 2:6-7, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” If you are going to live on purpose in 2024 let me encourage you to decide now to take seriously the journey of your spiritual growth. Below are a couple of ways to help.
Man Church and Kingdom Women
Man Church groups and Kingdom Women groups begin meeting this Sunday (February 4th) and there is still time to connect in these two powerful groups that will help you grow in profound ways. See Chase Faulk or stop by the Welcome Center for more information on how to get connected.
RAD (Ridgecrest Academy of Discipleship)
RAD small groups begin next week. If you are not involved in Man Church or Kingdom Women, this is another way to enhance your spiritual growth. These courses will begin next Sunday, February 11th at 5:00PM. You can look over the various course offerings HERE on our website and sign up online OR at the designated table in the Welcome Center.
The bottom line for us all is to take advantage of the opportunities that will help us become more mature in our relationship with God—and that is an “On Purpose” decision.
And Remember that God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Image credit: Subsplash
‘Hard to say, you know,’ the man said. ... ‘We're dealing here with living things. I can show you a pattern, I guess, but these things grow. Okay? So, you're going to have to keep on planting, cultivating, and trimming. Who's to say what it will look like some day? It's just never going to get finished growing!’ ...
‘I had no idea I was hiring a philosopher,’ my friend said over coffee. ‘But that little speech reminded me that growth doesn't stop when we reach our full height.’” The fact is growth is not an event but a process. And it is an ongoing, lifelong process. It requires attention to detail, discipline, and commitment to the journey.
Here at Ridgecrest, we have for over 2 decades operated with the motto that God is always trying to take us someplace new and The Journey Never Ends… in this life. So as long as we are here, we must grow in our faith, grow in our knowledge of God, grow in our practice of God’s Word, grow in our service for God, and grow in our worship of God. And we choose to grow On Purpose. To remind us of this Paul writes in Colossians 2:6-7, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” If you are going to live on purpose in 2024 let me encourage you to decide now to take seriously the journey of your spiritual growth. Below are a couple of ways to help.
Man Church and Kingdom Women
Man Church groups and Kingdom Women groups begin meeting this Sunday (February 4th) and there is still time to connect in these two powerful groups that will help you grow in profound ways. See Chase Faulk or stop by the Welcome Center for more information on how to get connected.
RAD (Ridgecrest Academy of Discipleship)
RAD small groups begin next week. If you are not involved in Man Church or Kingdom Women, this is another way to enhance your spiritual growth. These courses will begin next Sunday, February 11th at 5:00PM. You can look over the various course offerings HERE on our website and sign up online OR at the designated table in the Welcome Center.
The bottom line for us all is to take advantage of the opportunities that will help us become more mature in our relationship with God—and that is an “On Purpose” decision.
And Remember that God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Image credit: Subsplash
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