January 23rd, 2025
by Ray Jones
by Ray Jones
Next Sunday, February 2nd, we will once again affirm God’s Word through obedient biblical tithing. We’ve been doing this annual affirmation of tithing for over a decade now and have watched God bless and honor the promise of His Word in our lives. God’s Word tells us to give at least 10% back to Him from our income and then watch how He opens the flood gates of heaven to bless us. In Malachi 3:10 God says… “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” That is both a command and a promise. And did you notice that God says that you are to “test” Him in this? Wow! This is the only place in all of scripture where God commands us to test Him.
Is this really that important? Absolutely! For two reasons. First, because God has commanded it. And second, because it is the means that God has ordained for carrying out the great work entrusted to the Church (the storehouse). This past year has been one of the greatest years of ministry that I can remember in my 24 years as your pastor. The incredible work that God has done here, and will continue to do in the year to come has been and is dependent on your faithful and obedient tithes. So, on Sunday, February 2nd, we’ll once again practice His command. That is why I am asking the entire family to tithe on that Sunday. I am not asking you to bring an extra offering or special offering as we sometimes do for various reasons. No, I am simply asking you to obey God’s Word by tithing on that day. Like me, many of you have been tithing for years in obedience to God’s Word and can testify to God’s faithfulness to provide and bless. Let us continue to obey. Others, perhaps, have never attempted to tithe and may even perceive it to be a little scary. I urge you to begin this important Biblical act of obedience on February 2nd and watch how God honors His promise to open Heaven’s windows to provide and bless you. You cannot out give God!
I know this to be true. And I say these things not just as your pastor, but because I have been obeying God and tithing since I received my first paycheck as a teenager, and long before I was a pastor. To this day, Alison and I still give a tithe and even more back to God from the income we receive. God’s Word is true and His promise to care, provide and bless you is reliable.
I love the caption I read on a bumper sticker that said, “Tithe if you love Jesus. Any fool can honk". Recently I sent you this same letter along with a special envelope you can use for our “Prove the Tithe” Sunday. Of course, you can always use your regular offering envelopes if you prefer. You may also give online or by text. It’s up to you. In any case, let me encourage you to join the entire RBC family with your tithe on Sunday, February 2nd.
And remember, God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Is this really that important? Absolutely! For two reasons. First, because God has commanded it. And second, because it is the means that God has ordained for carrying out the great work entrusted to the Church (the storehouse). This past year has been one of the greatest years of ministry that I can remember in my 24 years as your pastor. The incredible work that God has done here, and will continue to do in the year to come has been and is dependent on your faithful and obedient tithes. So, on Sunday, February 2nd, we’ll once again practice His command. That is why I am asking the entire family to tithe on that Sunday. I am not asking you to bring an extra offering or special offering as we sometimes do for various reasons. No, I am simply asking you to obey God’s Word by tithing on that day. Like me, many of you have been tithing for years in obedience to God’s Word and can testify to God’s faithfulness to provide and bless. Let us continue to obey. Others, perhaps, have never attempted to tithe and may even perceive it to be a little scary. I urge you to begin this important Biblical act of obedience on February 2nd and watch how God honors His promise to open Heaven’s windows to provide and bless you. You cannot out give God!
I know this to be true. And I say these things not just as your pastor, but because I have been obeying God and tithing since I received my first paycheck as a teenager, and long before I was a pastor. To this day, Alison and I still give a tithe and even more back to God from the income we receive. God’s Word is true and His promise to care, provide and bless you is reliable.
I love the caption I read on a bumper sticker that said, “Tithe if you love Jesus. Any fool can honk". Recently I sent you this same letter along with a special envelope you can use for our “Prove the Tithe” Sunday. Of course, you can always use your regular offering envelopes if you prefer. You may also give online or by text. It’s up to you. In any case, let me encourage you to join the entire RBC family with your tithe on Sunday, February 2nd.
And remember, God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
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