September 4th, 2024
by Broxton Gannon
by Broxton Gannon
“Jesus said, ‘No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us.†Mark 9:39-40
Until Christ returns, God has given His people some responsibilities. If you want to serve God on purpose, it’s important that you understand these, first!
1) You have a God given ministry. What does that mean? Paul tells us that we have the special task of reconciling people to God and then to each other (2 Cor. 5:18-20). True reconciliation only begins in making peace with God. Without this, peace among people remains superficial and temporary. This reconciliation is the ministry of every believer.
2) You have a God given message of hope. Has the world ever needed hope more than now? Our hope lies in Jesus Christ, the LIVING hope. He is not merely an answer; He is the answer. As the song by André Crouch states, "Jesus is the answer for the world today."
3) You have a God given mandate. We call this the Great Commission. Christ commands his followers to go into all the world and make disciples of every nation (Matt. 28:19). Jesus doesn’t tell you to think about going into the world, he commands it!
You are called to actively spread the gospel, serve as light and salt in the culture, and make a difference in the world by bringing the transformative message of Jesus to everyone.
Tomorrow, we’ll talk about ways we can understand our role of being servants of God. But today, start thinking about how you can purposefully serve God every day. Ask Him to show you opportunities to serve Him on purpose!
Until Christ returns, God has given His people some responsibilities. If you want to serve God on purpose, it’s important that you understand these, first!
1) You have a God given ministry. What does that mean? Paul tells us that we have the special task of reconciling people to God and then to each other (2 Cor. 5:18-20). True reconciliation only begins in making peace with God. Without this, peace among people remains superficial and temporary. This reconciliation is the ministry of every believer.
2) You have a God given message of hope. Has the world ever needed hope more than now? Our hope lies in Jesus Christ, the LIVING hope. He is not merely an answer; He is the answer. As the song by André Crouch states, "Jesus is the answer for the world today."
3) You have a God given mandate. We call this the Great Commission. Christ commands his followers to go into all the world and make disciples of every nation (Matt. 28:19). Jesus doesn’t tell you to think about going into the world, he commands it!
You are called to actively spread the gospel, serve as light and salt in the culture, and make a difference in the world by bringing the transformative message of Jesus to everyone.
Tomorrow, we’ll talk about ways we can understand our role of being servants of God. But today, start thinking about how you can purposefully serve God every day. Ask Him to show you opportunities to serve Him on purpose!
Posted in Daily Devotions
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