August 27th, 2024
by Broxton Gannon
by Broxton Gannon
“The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps…” Matthew 25:3
We all know putting off something we need to only makes it worse or harder in the end. We tell ourselves we have plenty of time to get it done: pulling weeds, folding laundry, cleaning the garage. We know it’s important, we just don’t always want to get it done.
Procrastination is seen as a “small” vice, but it does have consequences. In the same way, many know the importance of nurturing a deep relationship with Jesus but they put it on hold, thinking they have more time. The foolish bridesmaids knew the bridegroom was coming but still failed to adequately prepare themselves. Jesus calls you to be wise and prepare NOW.
How can you do that?
1) Start your day with God. Even if it’s just a few minutes at first, starting your day with God in His word and in prayer sets a good foundation for the day.
2) Set specific spiritual goals. Avoid vague intentions by getting specific! For example, commit yourself to memorizing one verse per week or studying one chapter per week.
3) Create a routine. Set a specific place and time for spiritual practices like prayer and scripture reading. Make it a non-negotiable part of your day!
4) Find an accountability partner. Partner with someone who can encourage you and hold you accountable to your spiritual progress.
5) Reflect on consequences. Reminding yourself of the potential consequences of spiritual procrastination helps provides you with strong motivation to remain diligent…
Taking the return of Christ seriously should have lasting impact in your life. Ask the Lord to give you diligence and focus in your preparation for His return.
We all know putting off something we need to only makes it worse or harder in the end. We tell ourselves we have plenty of time to get it done: pulling weeds, folding laundry, cleaning the garage. We know it’s important, we just don’t always want to get it done.
Procrastination is seen as a “small” vice, but it does have consequences. In the same way, many know the importance of nurturing a deep relationship with Jesus but they put it on hold, thinking they have more time. The foolish bridesmaids knew the bridegroom was coming but still failed to adequately prepare themselves. Jesus calls you to be wise and prepare NOW.
How can you do that?
1) Start your day with God. Even if it’s just a few minutes at first, starting your day with God in His word and in prayer sets a good foundation for the day.
2) Set specific spiritual goals. Avoid vague intentions by getting specific! For example, commit yourself to memorizing one verse per week or studying one chapter per week.
3) Create a routine. Set a specific place and time for spiritual practices like prayer and scripture reading. Make it a non-negotiable part of your day!
4) Find an accountability partner. Partner with someone who can encourage you and hold you accountable to your spiritual progress.
5) Reflect on consequences. Reminding yourself of the potential consequences of spiritual procrastination helps provides you with strong motivation to remain diligent…
Taking the return of Christ seriously should have lasting impact in your life. Ask the Lord to give you diligence and focus in your preparation for His return.
Posted in Daily Devotions
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